Sojourners Magazine: January 2017
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After Donald Trump won the election, one thing became abundantly clear: With white evangelicals and Catholics voting in such large numbers for a candidate who, as historian Heath Carter describes in this issue, "articualted a virulently racist, misogynistic, ethnocentric brand of nationalism," something is wrong with our Christian confession. So we asked a few Christian leaders to explain the best ways for followers of Jesus to practice resistance. The responses varied but share a familiar theme: Christians must stand in solidarity with the vulnerable. Now and always.
Cover Story
Six accounts of resistance and healing in the era of Trump.
In the wake of the devastating election, the church must stand in solidarity with those who are most fearful— and speak truth to power.
The Trump victory exposes the fault line in the American Dream - and in American families.
While chauvinism has been rooted in missionary evangelicalism, within Aimara neo-Pentecostal families, gender relations are more symmetrical.
Why Pentecostalism is becoming a force for social change around the world.
Northmead Assembly of God Church is just like any other Pentecostal megachurch, except when it comes to HIV screening and its AIDS ministry.
Colonialism historically hindered women’s education, but today, Pentecostal churches are a main source of promoting education for women in Burkina Faso.
Roma Christians testify that a new identity—being a child of God—emboldens a new confidence in being Roma.
What the gospel of Matthew offers us in an age of anxious nationalism. A Bible study.
First feed our bellies then tell us about a God in heaven who loves us.
What truth and reconciliation commissions can teach post-election America.
President Obama gave Israel the biggest military package ever — and he didn't even get a thank-you card.
Opioid addiction isn't the only toxic result of Big Pharma's push for extreme profit.
Culture Watch
A Pursued Justice: Black Preaching from the Great Migration to Civil Rights, by Kenyatta R. Gilbert. Baylor University Press.
The Long Loneliness in Baltimore: Stories Along the Way, by Brendan Walsh, artwork by Willa Bickham. Apprentice House.
Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got it Right — And How We Can, Too, by George Lakey. Melville House.
When the Nobel committee honors Bob Dylan, they are honoring the centuries of nameless laborers and wandering minstrels who gave Dylan something to say.
Rules Don't Apply is a genre-transcender: a compelling drama, with delicious light touches, that stirs the heart too.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A
Wedged in the crevices
of each day
there is terror
and everywhere
fresh pieces of communion
go uneaten.
My over-30 colleagues have shared a common sentiment: Our 30s are so much better than our 20s.
White evangelicals have been exposed as hypocrites for sacrificing their morals in this election at the altar of power.
The problem of restitution is not fundamentally a legal one—it is a relational one.