Sojourners Magazine: January 2016
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A long, long time ago, the prophet Hosea decried the predatory economy of ancient Israel. But as Walter Bruggemann explains in our cover story, the prophet's evocative poetry also identifies another consequence of acquisitive greed: environmental disaster.
Cover Story
We can't understand race in America today without understanding prisons.
There are different ways to understand the gospel's call to peace- and that's a good thing.
You either walk toward love or away from it with every breath you draw.
Forced abortions may decrease, but China's government coercion is unchanged.
Culture Watch
Killing from the Inside Out: Moral Injury and Just War, by Robert Emmet Meagher. Cascade Books. Borderline: Reflections on War, Sex, and Church, by Stan Goff. Cascade Books.
Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology, and the Pulpit, by Leah D. Schade. Chalice Press.
Russia is as 'Christ-haunted' as Flannery O'Conner's Georgia or DeMent's Arkansas.
In allowing Steve Jobs to be selfish, 'Steve Jobs' may make us look at ourselves.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
Consider for a moment what might have happened if the forces of anti-Catholic prejudice had won.
Henri Nouwen's hunger and thirst for spiritual truth were never satisfied.