"Woman and religion are at a crossroads. If women are not taken seriously and their talents recognized, I think there will be serious consequences. Ive had three daughters and they are not drawn to current religious traditions. They see no place for women."
"For a while I was very angry with the church and quit attending. Now I realize our entire culture oppresses women. I really do not know if I will be as involved with the church as I once was, but now I know I cant leave it completely."
"My decision to stay within the boundaries of the institutional church continues to be a moment by moment choice, despite ordination and marriage to a pastor. I love my pastoral work, but I am not sure the structure of the church will allow significant reform in the long run."
"[M]eeting with women at least twice a month to talk about our place in the church, as well as celebrate faith, has been one of the most joyful, rewarding, stimulating experiences of my life. Our womenÆs group is essential to me. It has given me the freedom to see God in many ways, to see myself in many ways. Our group makes me strong."
"I believe that there is still hope for the churchs transformation, and I see the Spirit at work in subversive ways."
Defecting In Place, by Miriam Therese Winter, Adair Lummis, and Allison Stokes. The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994.
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