This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July-August 1997

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Cover Story

Tapping into the imagination of God
Women comment on life in the church
A conversation with Miriam Therese Winter on imagination, women in the church, and finding God between the lines.


The opportunities and limitations of student loans
When most people hear "Silicon Valley," words such as clean, pure, technologically developed, and high personal income usually come to mind.
Women heroes of environmental activism
Exploiting power for sexual gratification


Attitudes toward immigrants grow harsher
Arafat's squandered opportunity
But is it or us to decide which is which?
Tibet continues its 37-year fight for freedom
Timothy McVeigh is more "one of us" than we like to admit
New alliances highlight anti-poverty forum


Someday when I see the sale card announcing "12 Lemons for a Dollar" at the grocery store, I’m going to buy all 12 instead of just two or three.
On issues ranging from poverty to China policy to abortion, some unexpected allies have recently emerged in Washington and around the country.
This column was adapted from a sermon preached by John Hulden at Trinity Lutheran Church in Moorhead, Minnesota, on Sunday, April 13, 1997...

Culture Watch

The theological assumptions of Alcoholics Anonymous
The changing role of the hero in comic books
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
Resilience and courage in the face of welfare cuts
Crediting young women with intelligence
The world according to Victoria Williams
The Crucible continues to unmask the powers
Meeting God for lunch @ the Global Ethics Café
During Easter weekend this year, I finally visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland.
When I close my eyes and think of Michael Jackson (who, by the way, is my age), I prefer to remember the 6-year-old of the Jackson 5, singing "ABC" or "I Want You Back." 


Citing the existence of "a generation of de facto orphans now drowning in their own blood," the Ten Point Coalition, a church-based anti-crime network based in Boston, is ex
Miriam Therese Winter is a Catholic sister teaching in a Protestant seminary.
THERE’S A PARTING in the clouds and the sun is beginning to shine because when "we" the church passed the buck to bureaucracy to handle our responsibilities of charitable se
In what has been called the "Top Censored Story of 1996," NASA has plans to launch 72.3 pounds of deadly plutonium-238 aboard its Cassini probe to Saturn on October 6, 1997.
JOYCE HOLLYDAY in "A Circle of Faith" ("Signs & Wonders," March-April 1997) indirectly raises a fundamental issue regarding worldwide and historical Christian identity.
IT WAS WITH great interest that I read Jim Wallis’ column ("Hearts & Minds") in the May-June 1997 issue.
THANK YOU FOR naming the experience of ecumenism ("All Together Now!" by Jim Wallis, with others, May-June 1997).
The Seamless Garment Network, a diverse coalition of more than 150 groups advocating a "consistent life ethic," celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
NICE ISSUE (May-June 1997). Good to know there are still a few Beatles fans in your organization ("All Together Now!").
A movement for community food security
YOUR MAY-JUNE 1997 cover ("All Together Now!") was timely. We’ve got to work together. It brought to my mind a childhood memory.
I’M WRITING IN response to "Why Work?" by Julie Polter (January-February 1997). Welfare’s impoverished recipients are not its only dependents.
"God’s saving justice is never served by human anger," points out James in his letter to Christians struggling against the power structures that threatened to consume the Christian Community.
The War Resisters League, a 75-year-old pacifist organization, is launching a new campaign to help people realize what it would be possible to accomplish in their communities if
IN "LETTERS" (May-June 1997), Lorna Diggle responded to an article on Mary Magdalene ("Revisioning Mary Magdalene," by Kimberly Burge, March-April 1997) and asked about the avail
Local actions build energy for fall national conference
I DEEPLY CONNECTED with "All Together Now!" and the other articles on the richness of ecumenical participation.