Gods law was written on tablets of stone for human eyes to read, and goodness was regarded as right conduct. After Pentecost, Gods law is written on hearts and becomes an inward impulse, and goodness is regarded as right motive inspiring right behavior. With the gift of Jesus, and then the Spirit at Pentecost, God sought to lay hold of humanitys souls.
In times like these, the church must persuadenot just proclaimthe good news. The test of our love for Christ is not how strongly we say we believe, but how effectively we persuade and translate our beliefs into action.
Call to Renewals "Pentecost for the Poor" brought together our Christian values, experience, and community in an effective public witness. Pentecost gave us an opportunity to sing, pray, and march together, reconciling diverse interests for the well being of the whole human race and showing our commitment to the dignity of every person.
The challenge to seek justice for the poor is not an abstract idea, but an urgent attempt to confront poverty, dependency, joblessness, and declining real income for many poor families. We must also confront the growing hostility toward those who are poor, along with refugees and immigrants.
This commitment took many forms, at state capitols, county courthouses, municipal buildings, and houses of worship:
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