Sojourners Magazine: June 2010
Some Christians in the region see such callous disregard by coal companies for human health and safety, as well as a record of ravaging the Appalachian environment, as spiritual and moral issues. In our cover story, Allen Johnson, co-founder of the group Christians for the Mountains, explains why he sees the coal companies as “principalities [that] want to be worshipped and looked up to as saviors,” and tells what the faith-based group is doing out of its love for the land and the people on the long journey toward environmental and economic justice in coal country.
Read an extended interview with Allen Johnson, co-founder of Christians For The Mountains.
Study resources on the intersection of faith and feminism.
Find a list of resources on Christians and the environment.
Listen to an audio reading and interview with poet Richard Schiffman.
Find resources on death and dying from Lisa Sowle Cahill.