Sojourners Magazine: March 2022
Raising our children for joy amid climate catastrophe.
Parenting in perilous times requires keeping our children safe – and empowering them for action.
Two electoral reforms that will advance the common good in the 2022 midterm elections.
Lydia Wylie-Kellermann wrestles with one of the central dilemmas of parenting: the tension between protecting our children and empowering them for action.
Amid climate disruption, we need a spiritual revolution rooted in repentance.
Religion reporting must capture the nuances of LGBTQIA+ need for both survival and spirituality.
Here is my heart, O God. Let me be like you in all my ways.
Buried in scriptures and commentaries, the growing climate crisis demands that they be found.
The world needs to see what is happening to Rohingya refugees.
R&B artist Mykal Kilgore celebrates the holiness in being our whole selves.
The power of the TV drama lies partly in how it parallels reality.
How Coca-Cola kicked off 40 years of “corporate wokeness.”
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
‘The Vanishing’ details threats to Christian communities in the Middle East.
John Noltner’s ‘Portraits of Peace’ propels us to do the next hard thing.
A poem.
March reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
Are we as a country capable of abandoning sweatpants, after all they've done for us?
The Supply Chain Is Broken. Here’s How We Fix It
With worker co-ops, there would be no reason to circle the globe for ever-cheaper labor.