Sojourners Magazine: March-April 1997
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Cover Story
The Haymarket Square rebellion of 1886 was a watershed
moment in the history of U.S. radicalism.
Rev. Daughtry's reflections on his ministry to Tupac Shakur show us the patience and tolerance for ambiguity required in the task of ministering to those wrapped up in what some call the "thug life."
The popular rapper's life and legacy, as remembered by his pastor.
The popular rapper's life and legacy, as remembered by his pastor.
Something new, real, and potentially very important is
happening among several groups of white evangelicals.
I live encircled by an eruv—though for weeks it was invisible to my eyes. I would not have known what I was seeing, had I noticed it.
The many communities that Father Jim Healy served during 35 years as a Catholic priest came together recently at his memorial service.
If I had to choose one word to describe my friend Buddy
Gray, it would be relentless. He was an advocate on behalf of
homeless people in Cincinnati.
From welfare reform to overcoming poverty. A strategy for action.
Culture Watch
Not many meaningful public rituals in America remain.
Working on the new Sojourners environmental resource, Holy Ground, I have examined a large body of works on environmental theology.
Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips build a bridge to the future.
Well known and respected folk singer U. Utah Phillips
announced his retirement well over a year ago in a letter to
MY WIFE THINKS I’m weird. She tells my friend I can’t talk because I’m busy.
I WANT TO congratulate Jim Rice on a fine article on the spirituality of leisure ("Why Play?" January-February 1997).
Catholic theologian and priest Tissa Balasuriya was
excommunicated for heresy from the Roman Catholic Church in
I DID SO MUCH enjoy reading your series of articles about
Henri Nouwens untimely (from a human perspective
anyway) death.
I AM A PENTECOSTAL (though I don’t really think the term is scriptural) Christian who has just recently discovered your magazine.
AFTER READING your articles on play and work ("Why Play?," by Jim Rice, and "Why Work?," by Julie Polter), I continue to be amazed that no one I have read recently, from the pope...
Following President Clinton's signing of the federal "welfare reform" legislation last August, three top administration officials resigned in protest.
Building relationship between people of faith and the workers' rights movement.
While many people of conscience in the United States are
aware of the plight of political prisoners in countries
around the world, Americans rarely hear about those locked up
I AM WRITING because I am disturbed by Jill Carroll
Laffertys review of The Dilbert Principle.
I AGREE WITH Jim Wallis’ contention in the January-February 1997 issue ("Hearts & Minds")—we must find another way besides the political Right or Left.
I WANT TO thank Sojourners for honoring the life and work of Nellie Jean Sindab in the January-February 1997 issue ("Labors of Love").
I RECEIVED MY first issue of Sojourners and was ecstatic to find not only a hint of an article about Henri Nouwen on the front cover, but several articles about him inside.