Our God is one who acts in history. The power of God is declared in the return of the exile, the freeing of the oppressed, the forgiveness of the guilty. Our God acts in people and among people.
Jesusthrough his life and witness, his death and resurrectiondeclared in a distinctive and unique way the power of God in human affairs. Many of his actions were extraordinary in their ordinariness. Each decision, whether to eat with the outcast or to drive out corruption from the house of God, was born out of a deep commitment to see Gods purposes fulfilled "on Earth as in heaven."
Jesus witness to the power of God continues to be seen in those who have accepted the challenge, "You shall be my witnesses." The time of passion and Easter call us to re-evaluate our witness and to turn again to the way of the crucified.
March 2
The Power of God
Psalm 19, Exodus 20:1-17, 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, John 2:13-22
Jesus act of civil disobedience in making a whip of cords and driving people and animals from the crowded temple precincts, turning over tables piled high with coins, has sent shock waves through history. Just what was this zeal that consumed Jesus?
John sought to convince his Jewish readers that Jesus upheld a deep tradition within the Torah. Theologian Walter Brueggemann reminds us that the Torah is at the center of Jewish spirituality, and "is hardnosed realism about the given norms of our life, about the ethical context of our faith, about the public character of our religion." Jesus restored a wholeness in the understanding of God; Gods love and salvation is inclusive, accessible, free.