This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: May-June 1996

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Cover Story

Creativity and spirituality are intimately linked
For political writers who see our work as a necessary tool in the struggle for social change, faith is essential; it determines and shapes commitment as well as vision.
MY WORK AS AN ARTIST is a reflection of God's work of creation in our society and in the world.
Creativity comes from inspiration; inspiration comes from spirituality; spirituality comes from holiness; and holiness comes from God. All people are created in the image of God and so are spir
THE TASK of the novelist is to give the devil his due. I will leave it to the saints to manifest God's presence in their words and deeds. That is the art of saints.
IN MY AUGHT YEARS (that time before teen-dom), somebody in my family left a hamburger on the stove, which proceeded to catch afire.
GOD'S CREATIVITY can be reflected in innumerable ways in our world, but artists have a particular role. Artists often instinctively sense changes in society first.
The power of God in the creative vocation.
About 10 years ago, I fulfilled my great childhood wish to own a horse.


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Applying social analysis to the political process.
Jesus answers our cry for spiritual deliverance. A Bible study on Mark 5:1-20.


Pat Buchanan and the Religious Right.
Christians and the Endangered Species Act.
The Christian Coalition stalks Catholics.
Shattering myths in Northern Ireland.
What to do about sleazy TV?
Churches stand with those who labor.


Two recent films have caused me much reflection.
When blizzards closed down cities on the East Coast this past winter, the media reported on some strange meals people were eating. 
I am going to begin this story, in a sense, where it ended, and where it will never end.
She lays her smooth head in her mother's lap. Then she folds her long leg-long for a 9-year-old-under herself, hiding the pink satin ballet slipper on her foot.
Primary season mercifully draws to a close...
One can only marvel at couples who successfully manage life in community alongside their own needs as spouses.

Culture Watch

If Pat Buchanan had not roared, grinning and sweaty, through the American political scene this year, someone would have invented him
Sketches of God from children in crisis.
Gifted with the "jewels of one's own tradition."
Jane Austen's moral universe.
World music: The sound of the global village.
The ground of urban ministry.
Huey Long taught us that "all politics is personal."
Rock, religion, and redemption.
Barbara Kingsolver swims at high tide.


I AGREE THAT "alternative" is not a good choice as part of the cover line ("Say It Ain't So," in "Letters," March-April).
Ward Valley in California's eastern Mojave Desert may seem like the middle of nowhere to those looking to dump their nuclear sludge.
Cook for a Cause. State of the World. Access to Reinvestment. National Green Pages.
In spite of the fact that Casa Alianza (Covenant House Latin America) forced the Honduras government to admit in a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that it illegally
I WAS DEEPLY moved by the letters written to Judge Wynn by some of those arrested on December 7 at the U.S. Capitol Rotunda ("Dear Judge Wynn...").
I AGREE WITH Andrea Ayvazian and Beverly Daniel Tatum when they call for meetings in which participants of all races are encouraged to express their ideas and feelings about racial issues in a safe atmosphere.
Although several sources reported that independent candidate Jonathan Kuttab was elected to the Palestinian Council in January...
At altitude on scaffolding to uncover art
Members of the Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT) in Jerusalem announced publicly that they would ride the city's #18 bus for several hours on Sunday, March 10.
Reflections on the revised common lectionary, cycle A.
THE JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1996 issue on race in America ("Can We Talk?") sparked me to write.
THANK YOU for "The Image of God's Goodness," by Rosemary Radford Ruether and "The Mystery of a Resurrected Rabbi," by David A. Wade (January-February 1996).
Hearing the facts about the death penalty.
SEVERAL OF the artists who wrote for our forum on the creative vocation touched on the fact that art, like faith, is hard work as well as sweet inspiration.
YOUR ARTICLE, "Dear Judge Wynn..." (March-April 1996) was challenging to many of your readers, I bet.
ELIZABETH MCALISTER'S March-April 1996 cover story, "Is Marriage Obsolete?" was thought-provoking and perhaps more challenging to the mainstream Christian community than she realizes...
I HOPE BILL Wylie-Kellermann's article concerning the Detroit newspaper strike  will help other related issues to be seen more clearly.
A way to make a positive difference this election year.
THE "CLOSE TO HOME" column by Marcy Porter in the March-April issue struck a chord in my heart and memory.