This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: November-December 1999

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Cover Story

We never seem to learn: Power does corrupt. Does that mean Christians should stay out of politics?
An interview with Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson


Pristina, Kosovo—At the Macedonia-Kosovo border, kids on the roadside are selling Coke and fresh brown eggs.
Camp Rakovica, Sarajevo—There were 1,500 Kosovar refugees in this camp on the dusty outskirts of Sarajevo. They had come by bus, car, and on foot.
(and other lessons from the Book of Job)
As the rate of HIV-AIDS reaches record highs in Africa, the burden of foreign debt depletes scarce resources for prevention and care
Brazilian Catholic archbishop Helder Camara brought a "preferential option for the poor" to the center of Christian social thinking.
Despite the pall that HIV-AIDS casts across Africa, a few bright spots offer some relief.
The war in Kosovo is over. The question now: How to build peace? Their neighbors in Bosnia might just have the beginnings of an answer.
When I was a girl of 7 or 8 years, I laid awake most nights praying to have a friend.


Who benefits from the tax cuts? (Hint: Not you.)
Heart surgery opened my arteries---and my eyes.
It's time to admit: We've lost the War on Drugs
What's wrong with selling organs on the open market?
Will there still be public education for your children's children?
When the price paid to farmers for hogs crashed to Depression-era lows a year ago, it was nothing less than cataclysmic for independent hog growers.


A clear moral test
Okay baby, let’s say God really is God; he’s not applying for the job, etc. etc.
Notes for a new generation

Culture Watch

Carlos Santana's Supernatural
The 2000 presidential election promises to be the biggest fiasco since 1920, when monied interests foisted Warren G. Harding off upon a distracted public.
Three films illuminate struggles and hopes
From hip hop to Howard Thurman, From the well-known to the obscure, we did the reading for you (really, it was our pleasure)
An inside look at the fall of the Religious Right
Can "hierarchical religions be redeemed?"


IN RAY KELLEHER’S review of Annie Dillard’s book For the Time Being, he says that she describes children "so deformed some might call their very humanity into question."
In the barnyard of my bone Let the animals kneel down...
Assistant editor Rose Marie Berger traveled to Bosnia and Kosovo in July as part of a pilgrimage led by Don McClanen, founder of an organization called Ministry of Money.
Ched Myers in "’Behold, the Treasure of the Church’", notes that Jesus’ statement "For the poor will always be with you" is often misunderstood and used to justify the existence of hte poor.
Kosovo’s peaceful leader Ibrahim Rugova has not received press attention until recently.
YOUR COMMENTARY on Jubilee 2000 and the debt debate (by Marie Dennis, September-October 1999) was somewhat weakened by its penultimate paragraph.
IN RONALD SIDER’S excellent article, "Do We Care Enough?
I READ ED SPIVEY’S "H’rumph’s" ("Facts of Life," September-October 1999) and laughed out loud. I too came upon the Bee Gees on TV in a "One Night Only" (please!) concert on PBS.
Bosnian women weave ethnic harmony
Covenant House Faith Community, a Christian community committed to prayer, community, and service, seeks full-time volunteers to work with homeless youth for a 13-month commitment.
ED SPIVEY’S "H’RUMPHS" column (September-October 1999) continues to be one of the most timely in the magazine.