Sojourners Magazine: September-October 1996
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Cover Story
Most Christians this election will not be enamored with either presidential candidate.
Clearly, the human community comes in all shades of black, brown, yellow, and white.
"Where is the arrugula salad with olive oil?" sniffed the New York Times food section fan inside me. "Comfort food," answered the inner child.
If anyone had doubts before, all now know what is most important to the President. It is not the welfare of children.
A collection of memories and well-wishes from the friends and family of Barb and Jim Tamialis
It may be the most creative thing that’s ever happened in Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta.
Culture Watch
Anyone who participates in or facilitates small group discussions will benefit from viewing "Genesis: A Living Conversation."
Like all other values without price, Jefferson's ideal of an informed and enlightened electorate is out the window in the Free Market Era.
Chinese pro-democracy activist Harry Wu led 1,000 protestors to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., to kick off
Amnesty International's Annual General Meeting in June.