- Dietrich Bonhoeffer , the Lutheran theologian who was executed by the Nazis in 1945, may be officially pardoned later this year by the German government, according to Religion News Service reports. Bonhoeffer, the author of The Cost of Discipleship and other works, played a key role in the anti-Nazi "Confessing Church" movement and is still listed under German law as guilty of high treason.
- Is it Communion or communicable? As concern about disease becomes more prevalent, many churches are starting to present their parishioners with individual, prepackaged Communion servings. According to Ecumenical News International, 25 million packets of "hermetically sealed wine and wafer" are distributed every month by the Compak Corp.
- Company president Jim Johnson says that the Communion product is "more reverent than ordinary means since the Bible endorses cleanliness. Look at the feeding of the five thousand. That had to be the first fast food, so we're in good company."

This appears in the September-October 1996 issue of Sojourners
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