This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: September-October 2000

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Cover Story

The Internet has rekindled the zeal and magnified the power of hate groups. What can we do to fight back?
Resistance Records recruits soldiers for 'racial holy war.'


21st Century global marketers are more seductive than ever before. And they want your kids.
Perhaps the strongest effort toward health care reform is the Universal Health Care Action Network and its current U2K Campaign, "Universal Health Care in the Year 2000."
We planned to do great things. God had other plans.
Some thoughts on sowing the mustard seed.
Faith-based health ministries provide medicine...and hope.


The infectious spirit of Tito Puente
Military role in Kosovo 'ineffective and unethical.'
It's time for a new ethic---justice without vengeance.
Why we should apologize for slavery.
For activists dedicated to transforming the role that money plays in our politics, these are the best of times and the worst of times.


Overtaking poverty will take all of our best values and insights.
A legacy of service: Krista Hunt Ausland
My former college, one of the nation’s top-ranked schools, is considering banishing a highly respected national Christian group from campus for discriminatory practices.

Culture Watch

The big hearts of small friends.
I heard it in passing on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered one afternoon; it was a blurb for an upcoming story.
Ian Frazier's On the Rez
A training manual in nonviolent revolution.
Seeing the gospel in new ways.
Bill Moyers on dying in America.
Affrilachian Poets claim the space between two worlds.
Reflections on Cuba's past---and future.


IT’S BECOME A sort of game for Sojourners loyal readers to watch the magazine turn and twist and jump about when dealing with the issue of homosexuality. 
Bringing people together.
I CAN CERTAINLY relate to Chris Rice when he shares what happened to him when he started talking about gay rights (May-June 2000).
Mounting criticism of national missile defense by scientific and military experts has corporations such as Boeing on the defensive as they try to secure multibillion dollar contracts
The Internet has made hate groups highly visible, completely anonymous, and available to a potentially limitless audience.
REV. BILLY has the right idea ("Clowns and Poets and Artists—Oh, My!" by Julie Polter, July-August 2000).
I’M RESPONDING TO your article "Fight for the Living" by Eugene and Jacqueline Rivers (July-August 2000).
I APPRECIATE THE education I got in Eugene and Jacqueline Rivers’ article "The Fight for the Living" (July-August 2000).
Resources for study and action.
CHRIS RICE COULD have signed my name to his May-June 2000 "Grace Matters" column.
In these boom times, the wealth gap is getting worse.
SOMEHOW I ALMOST let my Sojourners subscription lapse. How ironic that the July-August 2000 issue is one of the best I have ever read—excellent from cover to cover!
Protesting campaign finance corruption and the "dumb or dumber" choices of many current elections, activist filmmaker Michael Moore is asking Americans to vote for potted plants...
It’s not just civil wars, AIDS, or other diseases that have brought suffering to sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades.
In most American "community watch" groups, residents report suspicious activity to the authorities.
THE SENTENCE IN the Catholic English version of the Lord’s Prayer "and lead us not into temptation" has always irked me ("A Prayer for All People," by Michael Joseph Brown, July-August 2000).
THANK YOU FOR Chris Rice’s "What I Learned When I Spoke Up About Gay Rights." I applaud his support of gay civil rights and continuing dialogue between our divided communities.
THANK YOU FOR your July-August 2000 issue. I enjoyed it.
"No matter how we pray, nor how we sin, we can stand up for each other. We can stand up against hate."—Republican Sen.
As Bishop Samuel Ruiz, liberation theologian and champion of Chiapas’ indigenous peoples, faced mandatory retirement at age 75, many feared what would come next.
I JUST READ Molly Marsh’s article "Breaking Down the Walls" (May-June 2000) on how many organizations are striving to make peace present in Israel and in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
Michigan city turns dialogue into action.
AS SOMEONE WHO has read Sojourners for 20 years, I am hoping to wire the entire Uniting Church in Australia Tertiary Students Association to SojoNet.
"A PUNISHING DECADE," by Ryan Beiler (May-June 2000), was right about the "static" figures for "estimated" incarceration in the United States.
I was so happy to receive my first issue of Sojourners.