Vote Smarter
Since many people of conscience vote by choosing what they consider the lesser of two evils, Project Vote Smart provides the information to help you decide which is which. A nonpartisan organization dedicated to providing accurate and thorough data on state and national races, it compiles candidate surveys, voting records, campaign finance information, biographical backgrounds, and more. Aside from its new (and free) 78-page Voters Self-Defense Manual, Project Vote Smart provides a wealth of information online and in print. Contact Project Vote Smart, One Common Ground, Philipsburg, MT 59858; 1-888-VOTE-SMART;
Keeping Score
For those concerned about their local environmental health, Scorecard is a project of the Environmental Defense Fund that gives you instant information on the pollution levels in your home community. To find out your score, just go to, type in your zip code, and hold your breath. After you get over the shock, theres a "take action" section and links to further information including local volunteer opportunities.
More Life, Less Strife
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