Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2021
Taking the next steps in constructing a more just church and society.
Churches across North America grapple with how they'll be different in the post-quarantine era.
What models can help guide us as we go about the work of building something new?
Learning from the wisdom of Anishinaabe elders in the fight against Line 3.
Accounts of us finding one another, and God finding us there, too.
There's a lot in the movies for xenomorphs—and humans—to chew on.
Her spirituality flooded into everything, including the political.
Its new album pulls no punches in its criticism of evangelicals’ embrace of Trumpian politics.
A poem.
September reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B.
October reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B.
A work of humorous fiction.
As Go the Southern Baptists, so Goes the GOP?
Forecasting the upcoming battles of our nation’s culture wars.