Jeannie hails from the lush suburbs of San Diego, where it is just as common to see birds of paradise growing along the freeway as it is to see a gleaming red arrow pointing you to hamburger heaven, otherwise known as In-N-Out. By the time she graduated high school, the comforts of home proved to be too, well, comfortable! And so she left to brave the frigid winters of Pittsburgh, where she studied English literature and professional writing at Carnegie Mellon University. After four years, the masochist in her decided she needed to subject herself to more bad weather, and so she moved to Wheaton, Ill., to study American church history at Wheaton College. There she learned that while cold is bad, cold plus wind is even worse. She returned home, hung up her down parka, and finally entered the working world as an editor at Outreach Magazine and youth pastor at Temecula Calvary Korean Church. After many late deadline nights and trips to Pinkberry with her students, God called her to Sojourners in Washington, D.C. She couldn’t be happier.
These days, Jeannie spends most of her time fiddling with syntax, thinking up new web initiatives, and learning from veteran Sojourners editors. Her idea of a perfect afternoon includes black coffee, a good book, and her magnificent sister.
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Whether it's the South Bronx or rural North Carolina, visionary activist Majora Carter argues that cleaning up our act is good for us -- and the economy.
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Aaron Scott is a second-year M.A. candidate at Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University in New York, and is also a staff member at the Poverty Initiative. In this interview, Scott shares with Assistant Editor Jeannie Choi about the difficulties of living in poverty and the great victories The Poverty Initiative has experienced while working with the poor communities in New York.
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