Molly Marsh is managing editor at Partners In Health, an organization that works to provide health care to poor populations around the world.

Posts By This Author

Green Reads

by Molly Marsh 05-01-2009
Books on the environment, the economy, and equity.

Are Books Obsolete?

by Molly Marsh 05-01-2009
A rough economy, changing reading habits, and a planet in peril are forcing book publishers to retool the way they do business.

M2EP Video: Voices from Capitol Hill

by Molly Marsh 04-30-2009
Day two of the Mobilization to End Poverty included a trip to Capitol Hill to lobby senators and representatives on issues related to poverty and social justice.

Interview with Soong-Chan Rah

by Molly Marsh 04-01-2009

Soong-Chan Rah is the Milton B. Engebretson Assistant Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary in Illinois.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 04-01-2009
God Drops and Loses Things, by Kilian McDonnell; 15 Days of Prayer, series from New Press; Servant or Sucker, by Beth Templeton; and CompassionArt: Creating Freedom from Poverty, by Martin Smith.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 03-01-2009
The Complete Leader's Guide to Christian Retreats, by Rachel Gilmore; In Romero's Legacy, by Pilar and John Hogan; Wage Theft in America, by Kim Bobo; and Becoming the Answers to Our Prayers, by Claiborne and Wilson-Hartgrove.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 02-01-2009
Sabbath, by Dan Allender; Fasting, by Scot McKnight; The Church on Dauphine Street, by Ann Hedreen and Rustin Thompson; Engaged Spirituality, by Joe Nangle; and March On! by Christine King Farris.

JFK, Resurrection, and Post-Modern Christianity: Books for a New Year

by Molly Marsh 01-28-2009
As you've probably surmised over the last few weeks, we asked God's Politics contributors to send us some of their favorite books of 2008. Here are a few more to add to your list:

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 01-01-2009

Good News

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 12-01-2008

Voices of the Movement

Building Bridges

by Molly Marsh 11-01-2008
Books that traverse the terrain of war and peace, faith and family, and continents and cultures

Song for Night, by Chris Abani

A 15-year-old boy named My Luck, a human mine detector in an unnamed West African war, wakes up to find he’s been separated from his platoon. He can’t speak—like his comrades, his vocal cords have been cut so that if a mine explodes, they won’t be heard screaming—but his journey through the physical and emotional wreckage of war, which include his own deadly actions, is eloquent and heartbreaking. “[E]ven with the knowledge that there are some sins too big for even God to forgive,” he thinks, “every night my sky is still full of stars; a wonderful song for night.” (Akashic Books, 2007)

The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai

The action moves between northeast India—where a retired judge, his orphaned granddaughter, and their England-loving neighbors live near the borders of Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan—and New York, where a cook’s son lives the terrifying life of an immigrant. All of Desai’s characters struggle in deep and painful, yet often funny, ways with the forces of colonialism, globalization, and modernity. (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2006)

Tall Tales and Tiny Revolutions

by Molly Marsh 11-01-2008
Politics and fiction have much in common. Imagine that!

The upcoming presidential election wraps up months of campaigning, in which each political party has tried to outdo the other in its public storytelling. The narratives follow familiar terrain: “We are the party of change,” says one. “We will keep America strong,” says another. Each party has spent millions to present its candidate as the true “outsider” to Wash­ington politics, the honest crusader who can fix what’s broken in America. These storylines are carefully crafted to appeal to our ideals and our frustrations—in short, they tell us what we want to hear.

Leaders the world over use their power to shape narratives—to good and bad effect. Under repressive governments, such as in China or under South Africa’s apartheid regime, storytellers of a different kind—writers—are among those who suffer when their work doesn’t conform to prevailing social, political, religious, or cultural narratives. Their work is banned, they are silenced, put in prison, exiled—or worse. Unlike politicians, writers often tell their governments, and us, what we don’t want to hear.

The death of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn earlier this year reminds us of the powerful impact of his One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. This slim volume penetrated the silence of the Stalin-era Soviet Union by telling the story of Ivan Denisovich Shukov, a peasant imprisoned in a Siberian concentration camp. Solzhenitsyn—who spent eight years in similar camps himself—describes Ivan’s day, from morning reveille to evening bedtime, as he follows the petty, arcane rules of staying alive. This tiny revolution of words allowed the world to see what happened to those on the wrong side of Soviet power. For his efforts Solzhenitsyn was exiled, but not stopped; his three-volume indictment of the Gulag system, The Gulag Archipelago, was published about 10 years later.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 09-01-2008

Hard to Swallow

Making a New Heaven and Earth

by Molly Marsh 08-01-2008
Do it yourself—and also with others.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 08-01-2008
It’s My Life! A Guide to Alternatives After High School, by Janine Schwab and the AFSC; Women in Church History, by Joanne Turpin; Johnny Cash and the Great American Contradiction, by Rodney Clapp; Chant: Music for Paradise.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 07-01-2008
Crazy Talk: A Not-So-Stuffy Dictionary of Theological Terms, by Rolf Jacobson; Renewal: Stories from America's Religious-Environmental Movement; Being Consumed, by William Cavanaugh; and Dare Not Walk Alone, by Jeremy Dean.

Out of Harm's Way

by Molly Marsh 06-01-2008

Faith-based groups fight violence against women.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 06-01-2008
The Collected Sermons of William Sloane Coffin; Lord, Save Us From Your Followers, directed by Dan Merchant; The Poverty and Justice Bible; Founding Faith, by Steven Waldman.

The God Factor

by Molly Marsh 04-01-2008
Books that bridge faith and politics.

New and Noteworthy

by Molly Marsh 04-01-2008

A Dangerous Journey