This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: May 2010

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The emerging church and race: a compilation of the best blog posts and responses.

More resources on the biblical Christian response to nuclear weapons.

An interview with Katherine Paterson, author of the classic children's book, Bridge to Terabithia.

More books for kids that will entertain and raise their social awareness.

Our extended interview with Sami Awad.


Cover Story

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To survive in a quickly diversifying global church, the emerging church movement must do a better job of opening up its doors—and pursuing justice.


Palestinian Christian activist Sami Awad on why nonviolence is key to Middle East justice
Making peace in the Middle East requires empathy for Jewish wounds.
...and make us all more secure. A pragmatic approach to nuclear disarmament.


What does holy scripture have to do with weapons of war? Not much.
Good news: Now corporations can buy democracy direct at huge discounts!
How Texas decides what your children will study about our past


Movements don't fall from the sky—they're built by people.
Every single member of God's family is as important to God as you are.
The device was less effective than I'd hoped.
Jesus said to love our enemies, so no matter what Glenn Beck does we will not attack him personally.

Culture Watch

The public library as a place for transformation.
Will one-fourth of our citizenry be left in the digital ditch?
While aimed at the young, these wide-ranging pages brim with insight, imagination, and one sharp-dressed naked mole rat suitable for all.
Children's literature to uplift and energize
Reading may not change the world—but it changes the reader, and that's a start.
Books that help us put heart and soul into action.


Letter to the Editors
Letter to the Editors
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C

Web Extra

Katherine Paterson is the author of more than 30 books for young readers.
I am Emergent and I Don't Fit the Stereotype by Julie CLawson
David Cortright writes in his article in th
Sami Awad’s vocation is to tear down walls in the Middle East.