Sojourners Magazine: July 2018
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What does Christian nonviolence look like in the context of resurgent neo-Nazis and violent white supremacism? In this issue, Andrew Klager explores some of the most common questions about Jesus' most controversial teaching. Is nonviolence the same as pacifism? What makes nonviolence Christian? Does it even work? When we posted a similar question on social media—"Is it okay for a Christian to punch a Nazi?"—the range of responses we recieved suggest that this is a converstaion worth having.
Cover Story
Sojourners honors five leaders who are working to make our world a more just and peaceful place.
Carol Kuniholm is pushing the boundaries of disfigured voting districts in Pennsylvania.
Why Christians in the Middle East aren't celebrating the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem
What "realism" looks like in the age of nuclear weapons.
Some churches have embraced Cuba's revolutionary socialism more than others.
The trendy aesthetic often means giving up everything ... except privilege.
Culture Watch
Three new books--and well-funded research--plumb better living through gratitude.
I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, by Austin Channing Brown. Convergent Books.
Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America, by Jennifer Harvey. Abingdon Press.
In music and in life, Old Crow Medicine Show is still following that less-travelled path they set out on 20 years ago.
Isn’t there more than a little hypocrisy among progressives on the subject of the pop culture we love?